Slow Down
Today I am reminded to slow down and stop, sit.
It is easy to keep moving, even when exhausted. I watch my 20 month old do it all the time. When I say let's have a nap, she screws up her face in the cutest way and says "no".
I am never surprised. She is not a napper. I completely understand. The world is to interesting. There is too much to do.
She is a mini me.
There is always something that seems like it needs to be done right now. The list of loose ends is long. It feels good to tie them up, organize them away, and cross them off the list. It is a weight off my shoulders.
So is sitting down.
What I have noticed is that as soon as I finish one thing there is so always something else to do. It pops up on my radar, just as the last dot on the screen fads away.
I am not complaining, just noticing. It is never ending and that's okay. Why? Because it means I can rest. I can stop, because I will not run out of things to do. Because if it is not life or death, immediately necessary for health, safety or general well being, then I can let it go for another time.
So I am sitting down.
I am cuddling my baby, before she is too busy to cuddle.
I am holding her even while she sleeps.
Because those moments are just as important as sending in a long over due correction to my taxes or starting on my next order.
I notice that if I stop and give myself space I am able to do more, be more productive, focused, calm and happy.
Happiness leads to inspiration, which leads to creativity, which in turn leads to more happy feelings = how I want to live!
Making space in my brain for rest is a daily medition (challenge). Reminding myself that stopping is acceptable, not laziness, that stopping is about taking care of me so I can be the best version of myself.
New Years Resolution:
STOP, just for a moment. Breathe, exhale and let it go for now.