Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Suint Vat - Part Two

I left my vat for a couple of weeks. Mostly a time thing and I figured it could not  hurt! Wow is it stinky when you open it up. I set up a screen over a bin and took out handfuls at a time. 

I wore gloves and squeezed the fleece out ove the screen. 

Then I threw it in my commercial spinner, which I set in a tub to catch the water I spun out of the fleece. 

Once I spun it I decided it needed one hot water wash. I soaked it in a tub with some Euculan for about 30min. I rubbed the really dirty tips between my fingers and then spun it dry. 

I noticed that the fleece in the smaller tub was not as clean as the one in the larger tub, I think the extra water makes a difference. I started another cat and split a very large corriedale fleece into the three vats. I still have a little left over. 

The fleeces look fairly clean, no worse then when I do my two wash, rinse with them. Once they are dry I will be able to make a better decision on it I like the suint vat or not.

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