Saturday 11 July 2015

Fibre Fridays Tip of the Week

I recently, last week actually, started Fibre Fridays on my facebook page. I am also going to share my Fibre Fridays Tip of the Week here on my blog.

Here is last weeks tip:

When working with raw alpaca tumble it before washing. Use a small laundry basket with a cloth tied to the top and shake the fibres around, with enough force to dislodge dust and vegetation, but not so hard that you shake the fibre out the laundry basket slits. Since Alpacas do not have lanolin after the pre shake you may not even need to wash it before spinning or felting.

Here is yesterdays tip:

When spinning wear a cooking or baking apron to keep the hairs off your clothes. I love to do this because it works really well. I don't have to be constantly brushing or rolling fibres of my cloths and I can spin in anything. This also gives me another reason to add to my apron collection

If you have a tip idea for Fibre Friday just contact me and I will feature you and your tip of the week:)!

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