Monday 13 July 2015

Don't Let the Fear of Failure Hold You Back

How many times have I let my fear of failing hold me back? 

Too many to count, but NOT any more.

Google definition:

  1. 1.
    lack of success.

Every FAILURE is actually a

 LEARNING experience and so not a failure at all. 

Failure has a negative connotation, but it is simply a word to describe an attempt at something that did not have the expected outcome.

This is not negative it is positive, this is how we learn and grow.

Babies are a prime example of this! How many times do they fail to roll over, to sit up, to crawl, to walk, to talk before they do it? Do you ever see it stop them from trying in the first place or again? NO. So get in touch with your inner paper and don't stop before you start!

I want to hear from you...Tell me... 

here or on facebook...

What would you try if failure was out of the equation? 

What have you always wanted to do, but fear of failure has stopped you from even starting?


  1. I would sing and get paid for it. I also would love to do energy work on animals.

    1. Love it!!! Both sound amazing. I have a friend that does energy work on animals, such a rewarding field:)

    2. Indeed. I am much happier when I am with animals that is for sure. I have seen the difference energy work can make on them too :)
